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RJC Engineers were back to support and assist Holiday Helpers again this year. RJC provided Silver sponsorship and RJC’s ‘elves’ volunteered their time at Santa’s workshop to wrap gifts and prepare packages in time for Christmas.

RJC annually contributes and assists Holiday Helpers in providing families in need with warm clothing, household items, groceries and toys for children.

“It’s a great way to spend an afternoon, helping Holiday Helpers wrap presents and organize gifts for families. I’m glad that RJC is able to do this, to help give back to the community. It’s a great thing to be a part of” shares Brent Lodge, Principal with RJC.

rjc 2021 holiday helpers group

Holiday Helpers is a charity organization committed to sponsoring 850 low-income families in the Greater Toronto Area and Hamilton with a customized poverty relief package. The organization’s mission is to provide a one-time customized Christmas package to families with young children Each sponsored family receives an artificial tree, decorations, gift card to a warm meal and presents from their personalized wish list.