RJC Volunteers Help Renovate Victoria Salvation Army Addiction and Recovery Centre
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RJC volunteers helped HeroWork renovate the commercial kitchen and dormitories at the Victoria Salvation Army Addiction and Recovery Centre. HeroWork is a charity organization that helps facilitate engaging the community to complete transformative renovations for charity buildings.
This intense renovation removed a 40-year-old commercial kitchen and replaced it with a larger modern kitchen designed to current standards. The new kitchen will allow the Salvation Army to expand their programs to meet the growing need for their services. The RJC team sanded, painted, primed walls, doors, and stairs. The RJC team also helped install seismic bracing and a T-bar ceiling.
RJC team members for this renovation were Rasamay Tram, Miles Cutt, Smruthi Patel, Farouk Hamood, William Stoop, Aaron Post and his father John, Sophie Lehman, Jason Nickels, Dan Gao, Karen Li, Jaylene Kelly, Sarah May, Amrit Singh and Vance Smith. Brandon Paxton provided engineering and inspections during the project.
RJC is a dedicated partner to support HeroWorks. RJC Victoria continues to have people involved with organization through volunteerism, fundraising and as HeroWork’s go-to consultant for all their engineering projects. Bruce Johnson, retired RJC Principal, is Secretary for HeroWork’s Board of Directors.