techcouver | Sept 21, 2023
Eric Wilson, EIT, B.Eng, MASc, PhD Candidate | Liaison, Indigenous Projects

On September 29th, RJC Engineers, a nationally recognized, employee-owned engineering firm, is hosting the third annual “Building a Foundation for Reconciliation” Webinar.

This year, the theme is Braiding Relationships, Community, and Trust”, a crucial event aimed at supporting the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction industries in answering part of Call to Action 92 from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s (TRC) 94 calls to action.

The webinar promises to be an informative and thought-provoking experience, bringing together a diverse group of visionary speakers and thought leaders.

This year’s speakers include:

The theme of this year’s webinar, “Braiding – Relationships, Community, and Trust,” reflects the commitment to building meaningful relationships and supporting Indigenous self-determination as part of Call to Action 92  – It comes from the understanding that you can’t have relationships without trust and you can’t have community without relationships. They are braided together.

This webinar will explore how strong relationships based on trust make for a strong community and for strong design teams and projects. Relationships and trust are not a given, they have to be built. Reconciliation requires the interweaving of relationships, community engagement, and trust-building. Indigenous Peoples have long used braiding as a symbol of unity, and this metaphor encapsulates the webinar’s core message

“We are excited to host and create a space for discussing the intricacies of reconciliation,” shares Eric Wilson, the moderator and host of the webinar. “This webinar will emphasize the importance of meaningful connections, community involvement, and trust when working with Indigenous Nations. Participants can look forward to gaining valuable insights into their role in solving complex problems within their respective industries.”

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