RJC Engineers hosts National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Webinar for Architects, Engineers, and Contractors
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“Building a Foundation for Reconciliation 2022: The Interconnections between Infrastructure, Culture, and the Environment“ will explore and discuss how architecture, engineering, construction (AEC), and related industries can honour the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Calls to Action and become better allies to Indigenous Nations.
On September 30, 2022, in partnership with IISAAK OLAM Foundation, Tsawout First Nation, Halalt First Nation, and the Roots to Roofs Community Development Society, RJC Engineers (RJC) will host the second installment of the “Building a Foundation for Reconciliation” webinar series. The first webinar in this series gave an overview of the history of this Land and outlined ways in which we can try to see the complex interconnections between many of the challenges facing Indigenous Nations. This webinar builds on that foundation.
“This webinar is a great resource for industry practitioners to improve their awareness of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Call to Action Number 92, and how architecture, engineering, and construction firms can be supportive partners and allies” shares Eric Wilson, Indigenous Projects Liaison with RJC Engineers and IPCA Infrastructure and Systems Lead with IISAKK OLAM Foundation.
” Collectively, we face substantial challenges in the years to come. The defining issues of our time - climate change, ecological collapse, poverty, water scarcity, and turbulent social stratification - cannot be addressed through the lens of engineering, efficiency, and western government policy. Our best chance to produce meaningful solutions to these challenges is dependent on the coming together of Indigenous and Western Knowledge systems in mutual respect and appreciation of each other’s strengths. Elder Albert Marshall described this in his description of two-eyed seeing. In Marshall's words ‘Two-Eyed Seeing refers to learning to see from one eye with the strengths of Indigenous ways of knowing and from the other eye with the strengths of Western ways of knowing and to using both of these eyes together for the benefit of all’ ” explains Wilson.
“The constitutional foundation stones of the country we know today as Canada was built upon sacred treaty relationships between European and Indigenous Nations in the spirit and practice of peace and friendship. These relationships were with one another, with Mother Nature, and with the Creator. Learning about the history of Indigenous peoples, including the history residential schools, helps build understanding so that together we can co-create a future for this land in-line with the original spirit of peace and friendship,” says Eli Enns, Co-founder and President of the IISAAK OLAM Foundation.
Attendees will have the honour of learning from Indigenous knowledge holders from Tsawout First Nation and Halalt First Nation who will discuss the intimate connections between infrastructure, culture, and environment Other speakers include the IISAAK OLAM Foundation and Roots-to-Roofs Community Development Society.
The mini-conference will help AEC practitioners better understand how to approach infrastructure design with Indigenous Nations in a way that supports community, environmental, and cultural health and well-being. Attendees will gain a better understanding of the need for a systems approach to engineering design, and recognize the need for community led design. Presenters will share the role of infrastructure in the development of Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs) and ways to identify how participants and their organizations can support the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Call to Action number 92.
AES Engineering and AME Group are sponsors of the event, with support by the Canadian Mountain Network and the Conservation through Reconciliation Partnership.
The free 2-hour webinar will be held September 30th from 10 – 12 PDT. Register here https://bit.ly/3BrrDd1
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