RJC Engineers Joins SE2050 as a Signatory
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RJC Engineers (RJC) is proud to announce its further commitment to sustainability by becoming a signatory of SE2050 – the Structural Engineers 2050 Commitment Program. The program provides an accessible sustainability program for individual structural engineers and structural engineering firms, with an accountable commitment strategy of active engagement on projects and sharing of information to achieve zero net carbon structures by 2050.
As a signatory of SE2050, RJC joins a growing list of companies that have pledged to understand, reduce and ultimately achieve net zero carbon by 2050. RJC has a team to deliver on its SE2050 commitments for education, knowledge sharing, a carbon reduction strategy, and reporting. Damien Stoneham, Principal, oversees the team as RJC’s Embodied Carbon Champion, with Wendy Macdonald, Sustainability Consultant, as RJC’s SE2050 Project Manager. Together, the team will collaboratively help bring together the best of RJC to research, learn, develop, and deliver creative and practical solutions for embodied carbon reduction.
“As structural engineers we recognize the long term impact that the built environment can have on society” shares Damien. “We are thrilled to be part of the SE2050 initiative, and look forward to sharing this journey with our clients and project partners.”
RJC has a long-standing commitment to sustainable engineering practices and has been involved in many high-profile sustainable infrastructure projects, delivering numerous firsts in Canada under various programs, including LEED, Passive House, Toronto Green Standard, and BC Step Code. In addition to structural engineering, RJC specializes in building science, building energy modelling, structural restoration, façade engineering, and parking facility design. The firm’s building performance group has expertise in Life Cycle Analysis to measure and track environmental impacts across the full building life cycle, including embodied carbon.
“We see our commitment to SE2050 as an opportunity to advance our design philosophy of sourcing materials responsibly and using them efficiently,” says Damien.
RJC’s Embodied Carbon Action Plan (ECAP) outlines how the firm will capitalize on its strengths to creatively and practically drive down carbon emissions associated with its projects while simultaneously helping to bring forward ideas and education to the industry. Learn more by reading RJC’s ECAP here.
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